Business name*
Business phone
Contact name*
Contact email
Contact phone
Current physical location
Do you identify as an Indigenous-owned/operated business?*
Property status
If Other, please specify
How was your business impacted by the wildfires?  (Check all that apply)
If Other, please specify
Property type
Is the residence/building standing?
Has the residence/building been lost?
Did you have employees at the time of evacuation?
How many employees did you have at the time of evacuation?
If None, move to Business Documents section
Have you laid off or terminated any employees?
How many employees have lost their homes?
Have you provided any assistance to your employees through your business?
If Yes, please specify.
Business documents
Are your critical papers / records secure / backed up?
If Yes, do you have access to them?
If No, what can we do to help you with that?
How did you back them up?
Do you have business insurance?
If Yes, do you need help contacting your insurance company?
Type(s) of business insurance
If Other, please specify
Does your insurance cover what you need right now?
If No, why?
If Other, please specify
Do you have a customer list to advise them of the status of your business?
Do you have a supplier or wholesaler list to advise them of the status of your business?
Business Needs and Resources
What are your immediate business needs?
What resources do you believe you will need for your business within the next one to two weeks?
Are you aware of the following resources?
If Other, please specify
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. We are available for any of your business needs in the next few weeks and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Expected return to normal operations
What measures or support would help accelerate the return to previous revenue levels?
How long can you remain financially viable without new debt?
Follow Up
Will you provide permission for us to contact you via email with updated information as we receive it?
Contact information
Please verify that you are a real person*